Solar Cooker Project

Comments: 1    

Question and Hpothesis

My question was how drastically extra parts change the temperature in the cooker.
My hypothesis was that the extra part would increase the temperatue by a large degree.


1. Reasearch solar energy on the internet.
2. Build your solar collector.
3. Put your solar collector in the shade for five minutes and record the temperature.
4. Quickly set your collector in the sun.
5. Record the themperature every two minutes for ten minutes.
6. Make an attachment, such as another side of cardboard with foil on it, that you didn't have before.
8. Put your solar cooker in the shade again for five minutes and record the temp.
9. Set in sunlight for ten min. and record temp. every two min.
10. Find the difference between the base temp. and the tempuarture at ten minutes for both tests.
11. Compare the two differences and see which is higher.


As seen on the graph, the test with the etxra part has a better tempurature increase.


My hypothesis was correct.  The extra part increased the temperature of the solar cooker dramatically.  With the extra the temp. was higher than w/o the extra by four minutes.  I wonder how much the temp. in the cooker would increase if more parts were added.


I think if solar energy was used instead of coal the pollution rate would go down.  Also, there wouldn't be very much smog and no acid rain.  Greenhouse gases woould stop growing so it wouldn't get hotter.  I conducted two tests because so i could test variables in the experiment and so i could answer a question.

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jtubbs on April 28, 2006 at 10:53 AM ( Comment modified)
This is missing several important items. Did you get a chance to finish it, or did you miss a day because of APS?
Question - 2/3 - You were not specific enough. What parts were you talking about?
Scientific Procedures - 3/3 - Good, easy-to-follow procedures.
Results - 3/3 - Line graph meets requirements.
Conclusion - 1/3- You didn't state a conclusion. You just stated your results.
Discussion - 2/3 - Where are your inferences and observations?
Total - 11/15


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