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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

Your assignment

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You are going to create a mystery country challenge like the one above.  Here is what you need to do to complete the challenge:

1. Choose a country.  Use the world map on page 52 of your Atlas of World Geography.

2. Download an image of your country from the website Planiglobe.  Mr. Tubbs will walk you through how to do this.

3. Create six clues to help your classmates find your country.

-One clue should give your country's relative location compared to the Equator.
-One clue should give your country's relative location compared to the Prime Meridian.
-Two other clues should include your country's relative location compared to a nearby landform or tell what landform it is on.
-One clue should give your country's relative location compared to another country.  You must use an intermediate direction for this.
-The sixth clue must give the absolute location (latitude, longitude) of your's country's capital.

4. Have a classmate (or classmates) use your clues to see if they can find out what your mystery country is.

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