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  Solar Cooker Project



Question and Hypothesis

Q. Will the tilted piece of cardboard help retain heat?
H. Yes, the tilted piece of cardboard will help.




1. Research on how to make a solar cooker.
2. Build the solar cooker.
3.Put a thermomter on your sealed see through container.
4.Put your solar cooker in the shade for 5 minutes.
5.While your solar cooker is in the shade, make a T-chart.  On the left put the interval TIME and under it put 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.  On the top right interval put TEMPERATURE.
6.Now put the solar cooker in the sun and record the temperature every 2 minutes.
7.Make a change to the solar cooker and re-test it.





In my hypothesis I thought that having a tilted lid would trap heat in the solar cooker and make it hotter than if there was np lid, however my experiment did not turn out that way.  The cooker actually reach a slightly higher temperature without the lid.  I still think that the lid helps retain heat but I think in my experiment the lid also provided extra shade so that all of the aluminum foil strips where not heated.



Solar energy can be good in some ways but not so reliable in other ways.  Solar energy reduces pollution.  It dosen't burn coal which emits a lot of pollutants and energy bills go down.  The one thing that is bad about solar energy is it only works when the sun is out.  If there are lots of clouds you won't get much energy.  I tested my solar cooker two times to see if there would be a difference in heat that it retained if a little piece of cardboard was added to the top.  I thought this would  prevent the heat from rising and escaping out.  The key observation I made is that the cooker was a little bit hotter without the tilted roof top.  I can infer from this measurment that the tilted roof provided shade for the upper parts of the aluminum foil so that they didn't reach the same high temperatures as the foil placed on the bottom of the solar cooker.