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  Solar Cooker Project

Question and Hypothesis
    Will the foil or black paper absorb the most heat?
    I think that the foil will.
    1. Research solar cookers and get the information  you need.
    2. Build your solar cooker and put in a thermometer.
    3. Put in the shade for 5 minutes.
    4. Then, put in the sun for 10 minutes and check it every 2 minutes.
    5. Everytime you check it, record the temperature.

    My hypothesis was correct. I thought the foil would get the highest temperature. I thought it would work best because the foil reflects the light right into the bowl. The black construction paper though,  only absorbs the light and makes the paper hot so it wouldn't work as well.After the tests the temperature changed 33 degrees with the foil, but only 30 degrees with the black paper.
     Solar energy reduces envirmental pollution because we don't need to use some of the nonrenewable resources that we need to save. We should focus more on trying to use natural resources before the nonrenewable ones. I think you wanted us to compare with someone else because we can use the same thing but we set it up differently. And see how the same thing can be used differently and get to a different temperature.
     When I finished doing the tests I made an obsevation which was that for some other people who did the same test as me, the foil created the most heat as well. While the foil reflects the heat into the bowl the black construction paper is the only thing that gets hot, not the bowl.

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