summary #2

Comments: 2    

    Illegal mining, logging, and farming are destroying the rainforest. The people of the Amazon are slowly having their land taken away or given certain boundaries.  Large areas of land are being plowed for the farming of soybeans and pastures for cows.  Large amounts of valuable wood called mahogany are illegally being cut down to sell in various countries.  The government plans to stop the destroying of the rainforest, and the land the government has gotten will hopefully someday be added onto.

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jtubbs on May 1, 2006 at 9:50 AM
You need to comb through the beginning of the article and look for more specific details--who?, what?, when?, and why?
You also need to be more specific about how Brazil is helping the rain forest--who are they working with?; what have they done?; when did they start?


brunsmana on May 3, 2006 at 9:37 AM
Excellent varied sentence beginnings. I agree with Mr. Tubbs. Please make the changes he suggested today in class. Then you can respond to other people's blogs, add to posted stories, or read a new story and write a new summary as a blog entry.
Mrs. Brunsman


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