Patty's Weblog Reading Response for my SSR Book
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    My best piece is My Love For Reese Cups. My sentences have different beginnings and with in my whole paragraph, I include at least one compound sentence using the words or, and, or but.  My word choice is descriptive and puts a picture of what I am thinking of in my mind.  If I were to add up the amount of spelling errors I made in this entry, the total would be none.

    Apiece that I need to work on would most likely be Frindle Entry #2.  In this entry, there could be some sentence fluency added in some parts.  My word choice doesn�t really put a picture in my mind.  At some points, the entry gets a little confusing.  I made a total of one spelling and grammar errors.   

    So far, my goal is to include two compound sentences.  I also want to improve my word choice by inserting more strong adjectives and verbs.   

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