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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing


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1. You have already completed the first step--learning about solar energy and solar collectors.  The next step will be to find out how to build your solar collector.  To do this, you will need to go to a few websites and answers a few questions.  Please click on the comment link to post your answers.

How does the sun heat a solar collector?  Click here to get your answer.

What materials will I need? What are some designs I might use?

2. Next, you will design your solar collector.  Here are some things to remember when designing your collector. For this part, you will actually to draw out a plan and have a materials list ready for Mr. Tubbs before you can begin.  With this design, you will need to come up with a question that you want to answer about your solar cooker.  Some possible questions are:

Does the size and/or shape of a container affect temperature increase?

Does the texture of the materials lining the cooker affect temperature increase?

Does changing the angle of the collector change the temperature?

Click below to download a list of questions that need to be answered and given to Mr. Tubbs before you can begin. 

3. You will build your solar collector. 

4. You will test your solar collector. You will do this by recording the temperature of the air outside and then the temperature of the air inside the solar collector after specified time periods.

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