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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Solar Cooker Project

Question and Hypothesis                                                 solor_cook.jpg

    My qestion was would my solor cooker work better with or without the brick.
    My hypothesis was that my solor cooker would work better with the block.

Scientific Procedures
    1. First we picked a type of solar cooker ro make ours like.

    2. Then we designed the solor cooker to our liking.
    3. We destided our solor cooker for ten minutes recording our answer.
    4. Then we tested the solor cookers again canging somnthing about them or compairing         our data to someone elses.


    After all the testing my results led to, my solor cooker works better with the brick on it. It startded at a higher degrees, but rose slower and reached a lower temperature. Without the block on my solor cooker it would not increase as fast and hit a lower temperature. The clowds out side the brightness of the sun and the tumperature out side could hve also affected how well the solor cooker did. My solor cooker might have work better without the black paper under the fiol on the bottom

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Posted by: brandonw
Tuesday, December 13, 2005


So how do bees fly?   

Go to fullsize image

Bees shouldn't fly their wings are too small

 and their bodies are too

This has been a big mystery no one could sovle until today.Scientists have figured out the secret. A big part of the the way bees fly is air currents.You see the bee flaps its wings in a downward monentum to the air causing the air currents to move past the wing, causing the bee to lift up and float.  Bees also move their wings forward, backwards and tilt each flap up and down to change direction.

What jobs do bees have?

    There are many different jobs in a bee hive in order to survive. The first job is the honey bee, aka the worker bee. The honey bee goes out to collect nectar from flowers and brings it back to the hive. Now what happens, do they make honey?  Most peole think that's all, but it's not. The honey bee will then transfer the nectar to a  young worker, called the house or nurse bee. The house bee is the one that makes the honey. He puts the nectar into a cell and over time it turns into the honey. Finally when the honey is ripened, the eldery and house bees will be in charge of storing the honey. This is one set of jobs but there are more.

     The queen bee is the most respected and biggest bee of all. There is only one queen bee per hive.  She will stay mostly in the
hive and lay eggs.

      The drone bees are very queer.  They are bred not from fertile eggs, but from unfertile eggs and nobody knows why exactly that happens. Their job is to protect the hive and fertilize the queen. For battle, the drones have big eyes (see picture to the right), so it is easer for them to find the target.

     The scout worker will look for flowers for the honey bees and then report it to the hive. 

        Go to fullsize image     


Here's another question . . . . How do bees
communicate? Do they use symbols, hand motions, a spoken language, or something else?

     Bees do something that no other animal does to communicate. They will actually do a  dance. They will go in a circle or other patterns to show were plants are. But how do they know what's south, north, ect.? They do dances to show where the food is based on the angle of the sun.

What is the deal with killer bees? Are they really deadly?

 7 stings per pound could be lethal to a person!       

  • Attack in larger groups
  • Make less honey
  • Make less wax
  • Hate high pitched sounds
  • Swarm more often                                 
  • Killer bees are really called Africanized Honey Bees.  They're called Killer bees because they viciously sting people if they come too close to their terrritory. Killer bees are so aggressive, they may attack becase of a simple noise or vibration.  They attack in massive numbers and keep stinging. 
          Killer bees were only local to Africa untill 1954. Brazil had taken some killer bees to make better honey, but unfortunely, some ecscaped and started to breed with other local bees in the area until there were a ton of them in Brazil. Eventually they started to move north throughout Latin America.  Soon they reached Mexico and then crossed the border into Hidalgo, Texas in 1990.  Now in southern areas of the US people have to be more careful not to disturb a bee hive because they're breeding in mass numbers. If you are attacked by killer bees, the best thing to do is run in a straight line because you can easily outrun them.  Quickly seek medical attention and don't go near anyone else or the bees could start attacking them also.  Do not go under water, the bees will wait on the water until you come out!



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    Posted by: brandonw
    Modified on February 12, 2006 at 9:25 PM