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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Question and Hypothesis  rob1_small_1.jpg

    Will  wraping construction paper affect  the heat to go up?

    I think it will afect the heat to go up.

1. Research solar Cookers on internet.

2. Build the solar cooker.
3.Put a thermomter in side of coffee jug.

4.put the solar cooker in the shade for 5 min.
5. Make a t-chart for time and record for 0,2,4,6,8,10 min.
6.After it is out of the sun Record the Temp. for every 2 min.




-My hypothesis was in correct. The black construction paper did affect the coffee jug but in a negitive way.  On the line graph you can see that without the black construction paper it went up. I think that that without the construction paper it went up because by wraping it in construction paper it might of not transfered the heat to the jug.

»11:07 AM    »1 comments     »Send entry    

Posted by: davidz    in: My entries
Thursday, September 15, 2005

what is my country?

1.It is south of the equator. 2.It is east of the prime meridian. 3.It is located in the the Indian ocean. 4.It is south of the Red Sea. 5.It is southeast of India. 6.It is 47 degrees longitude 18 degrees latitude.

»9:55 AM    »9 comments     »Send entry    

Posted by: davidz    in: My entries

Modified on September 16, 2005 at 9:02 AM