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Rainforest Summary

Comments: 3    

   Many forests are being cut down rapidly.  Animals are loosing their habitat.  Population of ranches are lowering the percent of rain forests.  In 2004, 10,000 miles were cut down in Brazil.  An indian tribe called the Yanomamis are now in danger.  When gold was discovered in the rain forest many miners came pouring in.  When the miners came, they had brought different diseases.  Miners can't mine in-between trees so they cut down the rain forest.  Now only 36,000 miles or less of the Yanomami tribe still exists.  Many people are trying to help this tribe regain their life in the rain forest.
    Forests in Brazil are now smaller than the Massachusetts!  20% of the Amazon forest were cut down.  Then there was a free spot for anyone.  Farmers need extra room for their cattle to graze.  When this was realized that part of the forest had already vanished.
    When roads are built near forests logger would need the extra wood for the winter.  They made 80% of logging illegal.  Mahogany is an important tree that is being cut down and sent to the United States  Then soy plants were discovered and even more.  Forests were massively cut down.  Then logging became illegal in that country.
    The government of Brazil wanted to save their forest so they became involved.  The government is trying as hard as they can to save the rain forest. 

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jessykam on April 26, 2006 at 1:56 PM
Good Job Caitlyn. I like how you paragraphed your summary is wasn't to long and it wasn't to short. You had one sentence that I thought was a run on but otherwise great job!!!


jtubbs on April 28, 2006 at 11:04 PM
You have a lot of good details here. Here are some suggestions for making your summary better:
1. In your first paragraph, add something about poor people moving to the forest.
2. Try to combine your sentences about miners.
3. Check your facts: The rain forest is not smaller than Massachusetts. The part about farmers and the realizations were too late is not correct either. Check your facts about loggers needing wood for winter.
4. Tell why soy farming hurt the forest.
5. You said that logging became illegal twice.
6. In your last paragraph, tell what the government is doing to save the rain forest.


brunsmana on May 3, 2006 at 9:25 AM
Good work, great details. Please make the revisions Mr. Tubbs suggested. If you have time remaining you can respond to other people's blogs or add to posted stories.
Mrs. Brunsman


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