Caitlyn's Weblog Reading respons for my S.S.R. book
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    As I was just siting there in the sand I would litsen to the sound.  My feet would dig into the hot, rough sand.  Foamy waves would overlap each other as I close my eyes.  I loosened my pony tail to let the cool breaze of the ocean run through my hair.  Stillness would would overcome the sea and then a rush of forcing water.  I took a few steps forward, into the water.  The place of where I was standing left foot prints that were soon washed away.I soon swam the rush force of the cool, deep sea.  (Caitlyn).
    Ever since I was two I have lived here. My name is Suzy Malu, or also known as Suzy Fatu, at school. I have always been kind of chubby and have always been made fun of. I haven't really ever had any friends, but I did have one, Mary, but then she moved away. That was a long time ago. I have some beauty though. Long, brown, beautiful hair and big blue eyes, though nobody really notices it. They just see my sides. (Lily)
    The children I hear running along the beach reminded me all of the kids in my class, and my teacher, oh yeah, my teacher. 
    "Look here comes Ms. Fatu, quick every one hide." A kid named Richie always says, getting every one to follow as he did giggling and staring, not at her, not at him, just at me.  He was so cruel, no my class was so cruel that even the teacher made a joke out of it, but to me it was not funny. 
   "Why me, why not Melissa or even Jon?  Of all of the people here on earth, it had to be me."  I would say to the sky, but soon I thought that maybe he isn't listen to me.  Maybe he would star at me once, just for a second, and then look away thinking, Look at this girl, making a fool out of her self.  If only he would listen for just a slight second so he would get a chance to understand.  If only I could freeze time giving everyone the chance to listen to my side of the story, or to what I have to say.  Then again, I am in the real world.(Patty)
After a couple of years I decided to become heathly and no one bothered me ever since I lost my weight.  Except now I didn't know how to make friends.  I lost my weight but became the shyest girl in the world.  Then Richie made fun of me because of this.  One day he made the most horibble joke about me that I decided to run away to the other side of the island that was blocked off. (Caitlyn)
    I decided to live by myself in a little hut that I build on the beach. I'll find my own food, make my own clothes, and make my own shelter. I just can't take it anymore with him and the others. People are just not nice and that is why I'm living by myself all alone.
    It has been several months since I have run away and I am getting pretty tired of it. I started to work on finding food when, I saw a man walking towards me. It was my dad!(Lily)
    "What do you think you are doing young lady?"he asked me, I could tell he wasnt very happy with me, but then again I am not happy with myself either.
    "Dad? What are you doing here?  I thought you were happy with your so called wife.  Besides I have nothing to do with you anyways, and that is probably the same way with you." I replied, thinking I , for once had a chance for having my own rights.
   "What on earth are you talking about?   I have spent so much money on search rescuers, and so much time just to find you, and now I find you here, living it all on your own in this hut and the very day I find you, I hear this."
    "What?" I said, at this time I was confused. "You mean you did that for me?  You really love me?"
    "Of course, what did you think, I didn't?"
    I ran through the hot sand and leaped into his arms.  To this very day, I found out that you are always loved, somehow!!!!(Patty)

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