
Comments: 1    

    My best entry is called Spritemelon.My sentence fluency is pretty good.It is good because each paragraph stays along with the same topic that it starts with.My sentence fluency is also pretty good because at the end of each paragraph,the last sentence ends that paragraph and kind of starts the topic of the next paragraph.My word choice in Spritemelon is just about as good as it can ever get.I use decription in almost every sentence with figuritive language.My word choice is extremely good because I use very strong verbs .I also use strong adjectives when I'm describing something.
    My worst entry is my friendly letter.My sentence fluency is not good at all.I go off topic several times in each paragraph.I really dont have a topic in each of my topics.My word choice is also not anywhere near as good as I wanted it to be.I dont describe anything at all.I dont use hardly any adjectives and i dont use any strong verbs.And I dont have varied sentence beginings.

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brunsmana on March 7, 2006 at 10:08 PM
Interesting combination of your favorite food and drink. Very good effort at trying to vary sentences. Next time reread your sentences to make sure they make sense. For example, this sentence is confusing but a good attempt at varying: "But its not,the sweet,winter white fruit that looks nothing like sprite or a canalope but tastes like both,is not artificial." Creative conclusion sentence. Remember to administer spell check before posting.
Fluent Paragraph: 1/2
Varying beginnings: 2/2
Varying sentence length:2/2
lingering words: 1/1
creative word choices:1/1 (bone dry empty stomach, using a simile: I looked like an animal that had the worst case of rabies,my eyes were blood shot so bad it was scarey.
powerful verbs, specific nouns & adjectives: 1/1
correct grammar conventions:.5/1


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