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  The Friendly Letter


Dear Aslan,
    Hi Aslan this is Josh from planet Earth. There are evil people on earth just like the White Witch in Narnia.  There’s have been a lot of wars going on in our world caused by evil people. If she would have came to this world she could have caused mass destuction.
    Aslan you’re a great lion and everybody in Narnia and the Wardrobe World.    I’m glade you came alive or else Peter, and Edmund would have died or turned to stone.  When you knight them make sure you give them some advice.
    If you decide to come to earth tell me when because then I will know when you are coming.  Just when you will come to earth I will have to teach you the rule.  I hope you will come and visit us some day but weir a disguised.

Your friend,
Josh Sagan