Marytess's Web Log

Reading response for SSR book.

T.G.I Friday's

Comments: 1    

    Eating at T.G.I. Friday�s is the most sinful thing in the whole world.  When I go there I am in heaven.  Their milk shakes are so thick and creamy, and they are covered in fluffy whipped cream. To top it off, they put a beaming red, plump cherry on the top. Their hot, salty  fries melt in my mouth. I could eat one thousand of them.  They are so addicting.  With the heavenly fries and shake, I get their fat, juicy cheeseburger.  It is so juicy, the juice flows all over my plate.  I love T.G.I Friday�s!

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brunsmana on March 7, 2006 at 10:19 PM
Excellent blog entry. Fantastic example fo fluency!!! Great sentence variety. Clear, sentences that make perfect sense. Wonderful word choices like (melt, addicting, fluffy, and plump.) Your first two sentences are quite creative.
Fluent Paragraph:2/2
Varying beginnings:2/2
Varying sentence length:2/2
lingering words:1/1
creative word choices:1/1
powerful verbs, specific nouns & adjectives:1/1
correct grammar conventions:1/1
Total: 10/10
Fantastic job,
Mrs. Brunsman


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