Alexandra's Weblog Reading response for my SSR books!

Author Letter: Lois Lowry

Comments: 1    

March 29, 2006

Wyoming Middle School
17 Wyoming Avenue
Wyoming, OH  45215
Lois Lowry
c/o Scholastic
555 Broadway
New York, New York 10012-3999

Dear Ms. Lowry:

    As a student reading many of your books, I wanted to thank you for your wonderful work. Your books often contain questions that are intriguing and thought-inspiring.
    I have read a few of your books, including A Summer to Die, Number the Stars, and The Giver. Being a sister to a girl with medical problems, I really related to many aspects A Summer to Die. Number the Stars was also an excellent book, full of suspense and a real-life element from the fact that it took place in a factual time period. But, I would have to say that my favorite is The Giver. I thought so much about this book, and what it would be like to live in that community and the concept of living with the Sameness. Had you considered a sequel? I would be very interested in what happened to Jonas- or Fiona, Asher, Lily, and the Giver-after the ending of the book.
    Thank you so much for writing these books. They were enjoyable and nearly challenging. I look forward to any future publishhings of yours! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.



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alexandriav on March 29, 2006 at 2:12 PM
you did a nice job, one thing is that you might want to work on sentence fluence when you change from paragraph to paragraph. over all you did a nice job!!!!!!!!!!!!


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