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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing
Entries "April 2006":

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Collective story by Harrison Mitchell Austin and Travis

fred saw hi friend run into the bed room .  I took the pie and flonge it at him, at the same time he had sliped on some jello.(Harrison)
    Freds friend saw him, and took out some matches and lit freds bed on fire so that Fred wouldn't be able to go for the window. Fred paniked. Fred took out a bottle of oil greece, and made a line trapping his friend in the room with the flames.  Freds friend was unfortunately clostrophobic, so he started screaing but passed out before he could get to the window, so when he woke up his hair was gone , and Fred was laughing at him saying that he  put jello up his pants, and that  he had shaved  his hair off, and put axil greece on his head.(Austin)
    Fred's friend named Jon wanted to take revenge on fred.  He picked up a piece of bacon and shoved it down fred's throat.  Unfortunately, fred is allergic to bacon.  He ran inside the nearest building, which was an institute for the mentally insane.  The security gaudrs picked him up and were going to carry him to a cell, when a scissor truck crashed into the building, sending scissors flying everywhere.  All the insane people there pick up the scissors and ran outside.  The gaurd dropped fred and took off running.  Some of the people came back in holding a person.  It was hard for fred to see because he had swallowed bacon which had caused hi to have an allergic reaction.  He could barely make out that the person they were holding was jon.(Travis)

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Posted by: harrisonw    in: My entries
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

summary rain forest

    The rain forest is being destroyed. There are a lot of problems.  They are making a lot of houses witch is decreasing the trees.  In 2004 the rain forest lost 10,000 square miles of forest.  In the Amazon there are diseases that are killing the people. The diseases are; malaria, flu, whooping cough.  Also, miners want gold and destroyed the rain forest trying to get money.  Too much land is not being used because farmers clear the land, plant crops, and then plants die.  Rare trees are being cut down illegally.  There are some people trying to protect the the Amazon like Brazil.  Parks are being made to protect the rain forest Some land is trying to be saved from miners and loggers.

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Posted by: harrisonw    in: My entries