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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

summary rain forest

Comments: 2    

    The rain forest is being destroyed. There are a lot of problems.  They are making a lot of houses witch is decreasing the trees.  In 2004 the rain forest lost 10,000 square miles of forest.  In the Amazon there are diseases that are killing the people. The diseases are; malaria, flu, whooping cough.  Also, miners want gold and destroyed the rain forest trying to get money.  Too much land is not being used because farmers clear the land, plant crops, and then plants die.  Rare trees are being cut down illegally.  There are some people trying to protect the the Amazon like Brazil.  Parks are being made to protect the rain forest Some land is trying to be saved from miners and loggers.

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joshs on April 26, 2006 at 1:52 PM
Harrison your first two sentences are a little choppy but thats ok. what about the Yanomami people and America is in it to save the Amazon. Joshs


brunsmana on May 3, 2006 at 9:35 AM
You did a great job following your outline to write your summary. This was a difficult task for you given the difficult article to read and summarize. Today during class, please try to improve the "choppiness" of you first two sentences like Josh recommended. Perhaps, you could brainstorm a few ways to revise them together. Reread your "too much land" sentence. I think their is an extra word that needs to be taken out for the sentence to make sense. Also, add a conclusion sentence.
If you have time left over, feel free to add to other entries or continue your stories.
Excellent work and effort!!!
Mrs. Brunsman


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