Thankyou letter

Comments: 2    


Dear Dad,

    Thankyou for helping me with my BoyScouts research work.Even though it was kind of embarrassing to have my dad help me on subjects that he would never have any desire to learn about,I needed it and and I enjoyed it. Most of the long laborious hours of reaserch on atoms with protons and some other things that caused the headache that felt like my brain was loosing brain cells by every minute that went by.
Any way I now know all those confusing things because my dad helped me and calmed me down and then eventually I thanked him for it in the letter I?m writing now.The next time I need help with anything I?ll call my dad over to help me instead of him asking me if I need any help.



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joshs on March 8, 2006 at 2:12 PM
2/2 blog entry is written as a thank you letter
2/2 incudes,date, greeting, body, closing, your name
2/2 body
1.5/2your letter contains componets of organ ization.
1.5 spelling
total 9/10
josh sagan


jtubbs on April 20, 2006 at 12:54 PM ( Comment modified)
I'm looking forward to doing things like this with my son, Andrew.
Is a thank you letter 2/2
Included all 5 components 2/2
Included a thank you statement for your topic sentence & a cohesive paragraph with supporting details 2/2
Varying sentence beginnings, strong word choices, connected thoughts 1/2 - You had a very confusing sentence at the end of the first paragraph.
Correct grammar conventions 1/2 - You need to indent your second paragraph and check your spelling.
Total 8/10
Good work,
Mr. Tubbs


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