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My best Entry was The Clock Store. It had a variety of sentence beginnings. It had quickly and running. I also used strong verbs. For example, I have bawled for screaming and convey for bring. There is also scurrying, for the word running. I have all my words spelled correctly and the proper grammar.
The entry I need improvement on is my Sensory Details-Lonely. I need to add different sentence beginnings, like instead of using there is, I need to use the room or even I should describe the room. For example, The filthy, smelly room. I also need to use some of the words a little less. For example, old, cold, and dirty. I should use strong verbs, like instead of using old, cold, and dirty all the time, I could use grimy or felt as if you were touching a locker that has just been in Antartica. My spelling doesn't need much improvement, but there are a couple words that are spelled wrong.
My goal is acheivable. I should try to write at least two sentences that start with an adverb, or a word with -ing for each entry I make. I will also use at least four strong verbs in each of my entries.
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