Olivia's Weblog Reading response for my SSR book
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How to get from Mr. Tubb�s class to Mrs. Denny�s Room

    You will need to walk from room 201 to the strings music room, room 110.  You will be going there to play your instrument, and want to get there as soon as possible.  This will take about one minute and twenty seconds to get to you destination. 

* Turn left and go down twenty-four steps.

* Start walking strait, and soon you will pass the computer lab.

* Keep going down the hallway until you see room 105.  When you see this room, turn left and start walking down the hallway.

* Go past the library door, on the left.

* Stop at the drinking fountain, and immediately turn left.  Go through the door, and start walking through the tunnel.

* Pass the trashcan, and go down the hall.

* Stop right before you pass the stairs.

* Go through the double doors on the left.

* You will see a brick-walled hallway.  Go down it.  It will take approximately twenty-six steps to get down the hallway.

* In the hallway, you will pass three windows on your left side.

* Go through the two white doors, and start walking straight down the hallway.

* Once you have passed three doors, one on the left, and two on the right, you will see another door.  This door is room 110.  Go into it.

* Now you can play your instrument!

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