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Sunday, September 17, 2006


It's Jack from poland. Just to let you know, i hate my new language arts teacher, she just never shuts up, she has way too much caffine and we're not even allowd to say "hate" in her class, So... I loathe her. bye.



»7:10 PM    »1 comments    

Posted by: jackm
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Thoughts of Blogging in th Classroom

    1. I really liked the fact of having your own internet space that I could cutomize and just make it my own. I liked publishhing my work and sometimes, showing it to my parents. With the blogs, I could look at them at home if i didn't finish and I wouldn't have to bring all these papers home. The blogs were also cool because the comments were real actual long comments instea of just small notes on papers. And the best thing about them was that they don't use up any paper wich stops deforerstation and the destruction of natural habitats.
    2. There weren't alot of thing that I didn't like, but I still had some problems. Througout the whole year i always hated coming to the computer lab because it always made me nausious. The blogs didn't give me alot freedom to write because the direstions were just so straight forward. And using the blogs so much kind-of messed-up my hand writing.
    3. With all the writing we did with blogging, my writing machanics and fluency and all that kind-of stuff really improved. I can easily write long papers and I'm not struggling with sentence fluency.
    4. A suggestion for blogging could be don't be so direct with the directions and let the work be more lose. And that's really it.

»6:56 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: jackm
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Amazon Summary: Part 2

    The Amazon rain forest is being destroyed, but groups are fighting to keep the rain forest alive. In the 1960s, Brazil’s government encouraged overcrowded cities to move out into the Amazon rain forest. They caused destruction with their roads, sawmills and construction. When gold was discovered, miners came in with diseases like Malaria, Influenza and Whooping cough. These diseases wiped out entire Yanomami villages.
    When more agriculture spread, farmers began cutting down large amount of trees and then the land didn’t work. Brazil banned disruption of many sites, but loggers and farmers kept on working. In 2004, 10,000 square miles were cut down. Overall, 80 percent of logging is illeagal. So the Yanomami have fought back against the miners and loggers.
    Organizations are working with Brazilian government to protect the rain forest. WWF and Brazil are creating ARPA, or Amazon Region Protected Area. These people are trying to stop the deforestation of the rain forest.

»6:37 PM    »2 comments    

Posted by: jackm
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Amazon summary

    The Amazon rain forest is being destroyed, but groups are fighting to keep the rain forest alive. In the 1960s, Brazil’s government encouraged overcrowded cities to move out into the Amazon rain forest. They caused destruction with their roads, sawmills and construction. When gold was discovered, miners came in with diseases like malaria, influenza and whooping cough. These diseases wiped out entire Yanomami villages.
    When more agriculture spread, farmers began cutting down large amount of trees and then the land didn’t work. Brazil banned disruption of many sites, but loggers and farmers kept on working. Overall, 80 percent of loggers are illeagel. IN 2004, 10,000 square miles were cut down.
    Organizations are working with Brazilian government to protect the rain forest. WWF and Brazil are creating ARPA, or Amazon Region Protected Area. These people are trying to stop the deforestation of the rain forest.

»6:45 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: jackm
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Letter to Author

17 Wyoming Ave.
Wyoming, Oh. 45215
March 22, 2006

Brian Jacques
C/o Scholastic
555 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999

Dear Mr. Jacques:
    I love the Redwall series. My favorite book in the series has to be Martin the Warrior. I like this book because there was more action and the book never stood still. That’s mainly why I like your series, because there is so much action. I also really get attached to the characters and can sometimes anticipate what they will do to get out of a particular situation. Sometimes though, I get confused with the chronological order of the book. I would love to know the chronological order so I can understand the books a little better.
    Do you have any way to help me know more about each individual creature, like hares and badgers? Could you write a prequel to the books about the mountain Salamandastron? Something that I think would be really interesting would be to have the good people lose one. Then you could follow with a sequel to show them taking back over and defeating evil. This is a little like Mossflower and Martin the Warrior but this time you show how the evil got to power instead of briefly describing it. I know you give a lot of detail so why not some more?
    Thank you for your time and thought.


    Jack McCaslin


»7:57 PM    »1 comments    

Posted by: jackm
Modified on March 29, 2006 at 7:58 PM
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