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Reading response for S.S.R. book

Entries "October 2005":

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Crispin the Cross of Lead

This book is the book I would like to read in second quarter. I chose it because I've read other books by Avi (the author of this book) and I think he is a good author because he writes exiting books. Someone in my class did a book talk on this book, and by his description this book seems very exiting and suspensful. It is also a Newberry Medal winner and it looks like a long book. I like long books because then I dont have to go to the library to get a new one. The book's summary tells it is about a boy running away, and that sounds interesting.

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Posted by: mitchellp    in: My entries
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dead Man's Chest and The City of Ember

The book I'm reading is Dead Man's Chest. It is like another book I've read, The City of Ember, because the characters are underground most of the time. In Dead Man's Chest, the main character, George, ventures into underground tunnels near the subway tunnels to get a treasure. In The City of Ember, the citizens of Ember live in an underground city. Also, Dead Man's Chest says that George is scared when alone in the tunnels because of thugs. The citizens of Ember are scared to be underground (even though they don't know they are) because their light is running out.

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Posted by: mitchellp    in: My entries
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The People of Sparks

I figured out that The People of Sparks took place in modern day, but i first thought that it took place in the past because the people in the village of Sparks farmed, and did not have running water or electricity, and their transportation was oxen pulling trucks. Later in the book characters told about war that destroyed civilization and resorted people to early ways of living. The character, Torren told about the war and how the fighters used tanks, a modern day machine and Torren had a brother that brang him objects and toys that included a small motercycle. Also, the people of Sparks had a modern day "weapon" as they called it. There were lightbulbs too that Sparks people had, and books on electricity, but there was no electricity. All this convinced me it took place in modern day.

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Posted by: mitchellp    in: My entries
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