Mitchell's weblog

Reading response for S.S.R. book

summary # 3

Comments: 1    

   Rainforest is being destroyed, but people are trying to keep it intact to save the natives.  Soon, People had settled in rainforests and much of it was destroyed. Then diseases spread to the native Yanomami people when miners came for gold.  Land was set aside for the Yanomami people and they got help from outsiders.  Much of forest is lost due to logging for valuable wood and getting soy for the global market.  The government in Brazil is stopping deforestation by declaring land protected and they still think the rainforest can be saved.

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brunsmana on May 10, 2006 at 9:50 AM
Good effort in trying to add transitions. Adding "soon", however, doesn't make sense. "Then" was a good transition word to add. Some sentences still need transitional phrases to make your summary more clear.
2/2 listed the main ideas in the first sentence
1/2 details support the main idea in the first sentence
1/2 supporting details are written in sequence
2/2 summary is brief
2/2 includes facts instead of opinions
2/2 rephrased author�s words
3/3 correct spelling
2/3 complete sentences with varying beginnings
3/3 followed grammar rules
Total: 18/21 points
Mrs. Brunsman


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